Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've arrived....

There was a beautiful blue sky when my plane approached Iqaluit, and I snapped this photo from my window seat! In the past, flying over the ocean, I have always been amazed at being surrounded by water as far as the eye can see: Yesterday I had the same feeling about the tundra. It is beautiful, but dangerous - today at the hospital there was excitement and relief when a man was found alive after being stranded on the tundra for two days when his snowmobile broke down.

Arctic Lesson #1: Don't go beyond the city limits alone. Ever.

I will be moving into my apartment tomorrow, and I am hoping my furniture will arrive soon. Until then I will be using the single fork, spoon, plate, mug and pot that I brought with me!! The apartment building is across the street from work (actually, across the ditch/gully is more accurate!) which will be great, as I walked back to the bed & breakfast today which only took about 30 minutes, but I was frozen by the time I arrived. It was only -11 but the wind was wicked!!

Arctic Lesson #2: Don't be cheap. The $6 taxi ride is worth it.

I am really looking forward to getting a bit more settled. It hasn't sunk in yet that I LIVE HERE. I still feel like I'm on some holiday adventure. I suppose it's only been two days though.....

I miss you all. Send me warm thoughts!!!


  1. Hi Susan...it was soooo good to see you on skype this afternoon!! We never get on line before 4pm and today we went walking and brought the laptop along...thank goodness or we would have missed you. You look great and we miss you. Love Mom & Dad xoxo

  2. $6 and you still have to sit middle on the dogsled... GOSH.

  3. I am so jealous. I am so excited that you started a blog, now i can pretend i am living in Iqaluit too!

  4. What was I thinking checking back again already!!
    Just getting in, and don't want to give you a shout in case your in bed. We will chat tomorrow, miss you :(

  5. This is a great idea Susan... I can't wait to see more pics and to hear about what it's like up there... take care! Jackie
