Tuesday, June 8, 2010

THIS is what I do

Whenever I chat with someone from 'down south' about living in Iqaluit, I almost always get some version of:
"Yeah, but what do you DO, you know, besides work?"

You need to be creative, flexible, outgoing, and a little bit silly sometimes, but there are lots of things to do if you're willing to put yourself out there. After starting out this past weekend with no set plans, I ended up with an amusing and exhausting couple of days. Planting veggies at the greenhouse, volunteering for the food bank, hanging out in the sunshine, a firefighter carwash, impromptu meals, a bonfire, ATVing on the tundra, a picnic, dinner with the girls, and a little bit of work thrown in the middle!

Life up here is what you make of it, and the people you meet and the friends you make are ultimately what it's all about. I have met and become friends with some fantastic, interesting, and fun people - and feel very lucky for the experiences I have been able to share with them. Good times, indeed.

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