Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back to the grind...

My trip back to Nunavut was long, but mostly uneventful which was nice. One of my suitcases - the one carrying all of my clothes and quite a few groceries - did not make it to Iqaluit at the same time as I did. This caused a little bit of anxiety (my favorite jeans were in there!) but it was short-lived as I got it the next day. Now I have my favorite clothes AND my favorite foods!

I was a bit curious to return to work and see how things had gone since I'd left - as those of you who know me well know that I can be a TEENY bit obsessive compulsive about some things :0) Things were fine though, and it was nice to go to the hospital and be thoroughly welcomed back by almost everyone I saw - good feeling!

This photo is from when I landed back in Iqaluit. The runway here is huge, and can accommodate very large aircraft, but the airport itself is quite small. Apparently the colour was chosen for it's visibility...go figure. The little grey tunnel on the right hand side (ultrasound left!!) is where you walk into when you get off the plane.

1 comment:

  1. Just checking in for an update, you were doing so well! Miss you!
