Sunday, December 20, 2009

Land of the midday moon

I just got back from a quick trip to Resolute Bay - the second most northern community in Canada. It is located on the southern shore of Cornwallis Island, and has a population of about 230 people. I went up to do ultrasounds for the people of Resolute who needed them, as well as a few patients that flew to meet me from Grise Fiord - the most northern community. We are just one day away from the winter solstice, and so I spent the last two days in total darkness, which was pretty cool to experience even though I'm glad it was only for a short time! I was so happy to get back to Iqaluit and it's few hours of daylight!! It was a short, but memorable experience - I'm happy to have gone, and I'm happy to be home.

This is a photo from the airplane window on the approach to
Resolute Bay - yep, that's the whole town -
and this was taken at noon!!
(remember you can click on the photo to enlarge it)

This is a narwhal tusk - super heavy, and SUPER cool!!
It's such a strange, amazing marvel of nature!

Me standing under a whale rib that was propped against a building - I couldn't fit it all in the photo because it was so huge!

I know I've already posted a photo of a bilingual stop sign,
but I love this one because it's handmade!!

Santa will soon be flying around pulled by reindeer, and I was flying around in a plane with a caribou on it's tail...almost the same thing, really....

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