Monday, April 6, 2009

Room with a view

So this is the view from my 5th floor apartment window......if I stand at the far right edge of the window and look to the far left.....otherwise I just see the rest of that brown building!!! But ravens like to sit on the edge of the building, and they can be kind of fun to watch....if you're really bored and don't feel like doing the dishes.... :-) Actually, the ravens are pretty cool - they are MASSIVE here, much bigger than I remember them being in Snow Lake. I can see why they play such a role in local legends.

This past weekend brought great excitement for me, not only because I went to the Legion again, but because my stuff arrived!! It felt like Christmas, with a lot more heavy lifting! I've still got a lot of sorting to do, but it definitely feels nice to open the door to familiar things every day. I'm trying to decide where to hang my paintings but I'm being thrown off by the thermostat control that is right in the middle of the wall, pretty much where I would want to hang something....argh!

Work has been extremely busy, but overall pretty good. I will be going on call starting Thursday night.....a new experience for me, in my ultrasound career. I'm pretty sure the novelty will wear off pretty quickly, probably the first time I cross the gully after being woken up in the middle of the night! I'll let you know how that goes....

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool... I like the building - Brown!

    I'm guessing by the 1 truck in the distance it must be around 5:00pm when this photo was taken - the evening rushhour.
